Thursday, December 18, 2008

A little more advanced walking

These were taken a few weeks ago. The first is on a Washington Ferry on the way out to the Olympic Peninsula. Check out those sea legs!

Sam loves to help out around the house. Sweeping is his favorite task.

Sam's first(ish) steps

For Keren. :-)

Here are a few of the first videos we took of Sam walking. These were taken the first week of November.

Sam's first haircut!

Before: "derned Hippie!"

After: Clean cut boy.

November Sam

At the space needle with Aunt Jenney.

Sam loves the wind in his face!

The washing machine is better than any TV he could watch.

At dinner with Ammy Jane.

Sam's Fall spread

Sam's GQ shot.

That's actually just a backdrop at JCPenny's.

Nice product placement, Sam.

Sam's baby bird look.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sunday, September 21, 2008

We have a one-year -old!

Thank goodness for short names.

The gratuitous one year birthday cake shot


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Sunday, September 07, 2008

Squeaky shoes

He won't be wearing these shoes long.....


Munching on Korean noodles outside the space needle.

"Hey ladies....."

Sharing a swing with buddy Big Lou.

Storytime with daddy.

"Look at my curls!"

Lookin' hip with Ammy Jane

At Pike's Place with Grandma Jeanne and Aunt Jenney.