Last month I had the honor of being asked to be 'the Cougar' for a Vicenza High School pep rally. Only a few teachers knew of my identity, so it was fun - but very strange - having total anonymity. More than once, I gave a student a slap on the back, and was returned with a look of "Who are you?!"
When my identity was revealed, the students all stood and clapped, so it was great to be so warmly recieved. It was a great experience, and I'm glad I got the chance to do it.
Those suits are hot! When I took of the suit to change back into my street clothes, eveything I was wearing was completely soaked in sweat. I have never sweat so much in my entire life!
When my identity was revealed, the students all stood and clapped, so it was great to be so warmly recieved. It was a great experience, and I'm glad I got the chance to do it.

For some reason, I assumed at first that Mandy was the one who got asked to be the mascot... Funny.
I've never been a mascot myself, but Ryan dressed up as the KSBY peacock for a fair last spring and I was his "handler," meaning, the guy who kept him from walking into things. I'll have to post a photo or two sometime, maybe the one of him playing trombone. Just for you, Jim :)
I was the mascot one night for the Madison Monsters semipro hockey team. I rode on to the ice on an atv then spent the entire warmup jeering at the wrong team because they had switched jersey colors for warmup. I too sweated like mad, and they never asked me back.
Oh my gosh, I can't believe you guys are still alive, well actually, it looks like you died and went to heaven!
Hello from SLO
Ben and Shannon Riddering
couch time, couch time, couch time
(okay, this isn't in reference to your totally cool mascotting experience, but we just got you letter)
yes please!!
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